Planning and
Protecting Your
Health and Legacy

An Independent Insurance Agency dedicated to secure coverage plans that best fit your health needs and future legacy.


Giving Tree Insurance


My mission is to help educate and be a trusted resource for you and your loved ones. Helping you choose the best plan for you and your family now and years to come so you can do what’s most important.

From seniors turning 65, people newly retired, to supporting family members with long term care insurance needs, we can help. From watching friends and family endure unfortunate events, estate issues, and lack of proper long-term care coverage, our family has experienced it all.

This is why I am so passionate about planning and protecting your family’s health, future and legacy.

Yours truly,
Kristine Swisher

About Us

Kristine Swisher, MBA, CLTC

I started my business because I am truly passionate about insurance and the protection of one’s legacy. As a wife and mother to two small children and a caregiving daughter for my disabled mother, I truly understand the weight of caring for everyone. Insurance Protection is an important part of your estate and huge peace of mind that is worth its weight in gold.

We live in Oceanside, the northernmost coastal city of San Diego with my husband, my two sons and my garden (they are my babies, too). I founded Giving Tree Insurance because I believe that planting a seed, watching it grow and flourish can serve your family for years to come. When I am not working, I am busy shuttling the kids to their endless activities, tending to my veggie and fruit garden and traveling to visit family and friends in the Pacific Northwest.




Long Term Care



With so many Medicare insurance and prescription drug plans available on the market, it is no wonder why seniors have a difficult time understanding all of it.  Do I need a Medicare Advantage Plan or a Medigap Supplement? What is the difference?  The Medicare enrollment journey seems like an overwhelming process and it simply does not have to be.

We can make choosing a Medicare insurance plan that’s right for you an easy decision that you can be satisfied with.  My job is to guide you through your Medicare enrollment and assist you in choosing a plan that best fits your medical needs and budget.  You will have my personal attention for your Medicare needs now and in the years to come.

Long Term Care

Long Term Care insurance is something that hits very close to home for me.  You may never need care, but if you did how would you pay for it and how would it affect your family?

Planning for your long-term care needs is never on the fore front of one’s mind but these costs can deplete a life savings of retirement and assets very quickly.    

Long-term care insurance allows you to choose the type of care you will need in the location YOU desire.  A high quality LTC plan can be the exact thing you will need to keep you out of a nursing home and age in place.  LTC insurance alleviates the stress and burden for your loved ones, while helping provide the financial and emotional support your family needs.  Because after all you deserve it!






San Diego, CA



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